Thursday, October 9, 2008

Banned Books

So today I just read the article in the recent Chips issue about Banned Books Week. I didn't know that this was even taking place in our bookstore here at Luther, much less existed at all. I don't really understand why someone would feel that they need to bann the book from everyone in society. I know people say they are trying to protect other people, mostly children, from certain ideas but it seems a little bit ridiculous. I think banning books is taking away people's freedom to express themselves. It's almost like we are trying to hide issues in our society by banning these books. Yes, there is a certain age for certain topics but you can't keep these issues hidden for all of eternity. Some books that talk about homosexuality, or rape and abuse, or depression and suicide, plus many more issues, are the only ways people have to relate to something. They feel like someone else knows how they feel. By banning a book about race it shows that we as a country have not actually come to terms with these issues even though it's said in history books that, everything was solved in the 70's. I think with these books people could learn to be more accepting and it wouldn't seem so taboo to talk about certain issues in society. Hiding the books by authors that actually have the courage to talk about something everyone else is afraid of is not going to hide the actual issue.
As teachers I know we need to carefully think about what we are going to have our students read but I think some of the books that are banned, if read at the right age they can be beneficial to our students. It makes the students think about the issues in the past and if they had changed today. Also, as teachers we can emphasize the fact that this is how certain things were viewed at this time. We don't have to teach our students these views that we don't agree with anymore, they should just at least now that they existed at some time and see how far society has come.
Below is a link to a page from the American Library Association's website. It is about banned books and if you go to the bottom of this site, "under Frequently Challenged Books" you can click on the last word (here) to see the list of most challenged books and other information about banned books.

1 comment:

Samantha McCamy said...

I definatly agree with everything Dana said! Wow it's like banning the books are just going to make these issues go away, that's not how it works. I think we need to read about these things and bring it to our attention so we can deal with it and change things. Like Dana said the history books say this was over in the 70's...really? Well why do we still always hear about it being such a problem?!