Dr. Charles Ahmjad-Ali gave a lecture about how Christianity and Islam are connected to each other. This lecture was kind of hard to follow but one thing I got out of it was when he said "the separation of church and state never meant the separation of religion and politics." I see this in schools because of what influences the decisions we make for the schools and policies. People making decisions in schools try to leave their personal ideas out of the decisions and just use the facts. But we all know that everyone's emotions come into decision making at some point in the process. Our morals and beliefs come into play even if we don't want them to. Just because we say that the church and state are separated doesn't mean we actually do that. Subconsciously our beliefs influence what decision we make. Our religion or belief in no religion influences what we believe in the first place, therefore affecting what our morals are and what decisions we make. I think it is good that some of our morals influence the decisions we make for schools because there are students involved. In a way it puts what people believe are the students' best interests first. If all decisions were made based on logistics then the schools wouldn't be as personal for students. There is a line of when letting your morals take over too much but I'm not sure where that line is. We are all human so we can't completely block our feelings and morals.
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