The discussion with the Decorah administrators was good insight into the teaching world. It gave perspective and showed that as a teacher NCLB isn't necessarily a bad thing. They really rely on those test scores to help them decide what to do. It was comforting to hear that as long as you do the job you are supposed to and teach everything you are supposed to then NCLB will fall into place. It was also nice to know that teachers know that the tests aren't always reliable and that there are students who do the exact opposite on the test compared to how they do in the classroom. The main thing I took from this discussion was that teaching is always changing and their are never 2 days alike. This makes me even more excited to teach because I know it will always be interesting.
I have to say I agree with everything you said and that it was an encouraging discussion. Not only did they make it seem like teaching is always going to be changing but that it will be changing for the good and will keep being rewarding, just in different ways.
I also agree with Dana that the discussion was really beneficial. I also agree that it was interesting to hear that NCLB isn't necessarily a bad thing. I feel like we tend to dwell and talk about everything bad with NCLB. It seems that we never look at the idea that there could be positives that come out of the idea, as well.
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